March, 2012
Founded in Dallas, TX
Gloria Urbina, Founder & CEO
Founded in March 2012, Cosmo Credit Repair was built with a genuine passion to help individuals and their families gain financial freedom and offer the opportunity for a second chance.
October, 2012
A New Team Is Born
Gloria forges a new team of expert credit repair professionals who share her vision: Help individual and families obtain their dreams through world class credit repair services.
August, 2013
Company Growth Explodes
In less than 1 year, the “new kid on the block“ establishes itself as a premier national credit repair agency by tripling it’s anticipated growth goals behind Gloria’s innovative company management style.
May, 2017
New Headquarters Established
Frisco, TX.
Year-over-year growth forces Cosmo to move into a large cushy office space to accommodate it’s ever-growing team.
Repairing the Past and Preparing for the Future!
Cosmo Credit Repair has successfully helped 30,000 (and growing) individuals, families, home buyers, business owners, and so many more…and The Journey Has Just Begun!